Dialcom Smartphones & Mobile Phones Price List Offers 15 Sep 2013

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Here is Dialcom’s latest offers for some Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Sony and Blackberry phones available at their outlets including Bambalapitiya, Kurunegula and more Colombo outlets

Dialcom stands out with the following services

  • 2 Years Warranty
  • Guaranteed Best Prices

All kinds of accessories available

Models listed are Apple iPhone 5, Blackberry Bold 9790, Blackberry Z10, Blackberry Curve 9220, Blackberry Q10, HTC 8X, HTC One X, Nokia Lumia 510, Nokia Lumia 820, Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus and Samsung Galaxy Star Dual

Also listed are Samsung Galaxy Win, Samsung Galaxy Young, Samsung Galaxy Core, Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, Samsung Galaxy Grand, Sony Xperia Z Ultra, Sony Acro S, Sony Xperia TX, Sony Xperia SL, Sony Xperia L, Sony Xperia J, Sony Xperia Go, Sony Xperia E, Sony Xperia E Dual, Sony Xperia Sola and Sony Xperia U

Other terms and conditions apply.

See ad image for price list and more details

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