(EXPIRED) Digital Ocean Cloud Web Hosting: Start a Virtual Machine from just US$5/mth + get FREE US$100 credit! UPDATED 17 May 2019

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Starts1 Nov 2018 (Thu)Ends12 May 2019 (Sun)
Location Digital Ocean
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DigitalOcean www.digitalocean.com is a popular affordable self-managed SSD web hosting service.

More than just VPS hosting, get started with DigitalOcean’s all-in-one cloud platform with a free US$100/60-day credit for new DigitalOcean users!

Enjoy industry leading price-performance and easy scalability. Always know what you’ll pay with monthly caps and flat pricing across all global data centers.

Choose from any of the new Droplet plans – now featuring more memory and local SSD storage for less:

Standard Droplets

Balanced virtual machines with a healthy amount of memory tuned to host and scale applications like blogs, web applications, testing / staging environments, in-memory caching and databases.

  • US$5/mo – 1 GB RAM/ 1 vCPU / 25 GB SSD Disk / 1 TB Transfer
  • US$10/mo – 2 GB RAM/ 1 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 2 TB Transfer
  • US$20/mo – 4 GB RAM / 2 vCPU / 80 GB SSD Disk / 4 TB Transfer
  • US$40/mo – 8 GB RAM / 4 vCPU / 160 GB SSD Disk / 5 TB Transfer
  • US$80/mo – 16 GB RAM / 6 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 6 TB Transfer
  • US$160/mo – 32 GB RAM/ 8 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 7 TB Transfer
  • US$240/mo – 48 GB RAM/ 12 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 8 TB Transfer
  • US$320/mo – 64 GB RAM/ 16 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 9 TB Transfer
  • US$480/mo – 96 GB RAM/ 20 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 10 TB Transfer
  • US$640/mo – 128 GB RAM/ 24 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 11 TB Transfer
  • US$960/mo – 192 GB RAM/ 32 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 12 TB Transfer

Flexible Droplets

Three plans at the same price point with varying resources that allow you to get started without worrying about price.

  • US$15/mo – 1 GB RAM / 3 vCPU / 60 GB SSD Disk / 3 TB Transfer
  • US$15/mo – 2 GB RAM / 2 vCPU / 60 GB SSD Disk / 3 TB Transfer
  • US$15/mo – 3 GB RAM / 1 vCPU / 60 GB SSD Disk / 3 TB Transfer

Optimized Droplets

Compute optimized virtual machines with dedicated hyper-threads from best in class Intel CPUs for CPU Intensive applications like CI/CD, video encoding, machine learning, ad serving, batch processing and active front-end web servers.

  • US$40/mo – 4 GB RAM / 2 vCPU / 25 GB SSD Disk / 5 TB Transfer
  • US$80/mo – 8 GB RAM / 4 vCPU / 50 GB SSD Disk / 5 TB Transfer
  • US$160/mo – 16 GB RAM / 8 vCPU / 100 GB SSD Disk / 5 TB Transfer
  • US$320/mo – 32 GB RAM / 16 vCPU / 200 GB SSD Disk / 5 TB Transfer
  • US$640/mo – 64 GB RAM / 32 vCPU / 400 GB SSD Disk / 5 TB Transfer

Block Storage

Add more storage space to your Droplet or mix-and-match compute and storage to suit your application’s needs at US$0.10 per gigabyte per month.

Spaces Object Storage

Easily add Spaces object storage to any Droplet or use as a standalone service. Securely store and deliver any amount of data to end-users and applications, with the same simplicity you’ve come to expect from them. Instantaneously create cost-effective, reliable storage space using the drag-and-drop UI or API.

Pricing starts at US$5 per month and includes 250 GB of storage and 1 TB of outbound data transferred per month. Additional object storage is just US$0.02 per GB stored, and additional bandwidth at US$0.01 per GB of data transferred. Uploads to Spaces are free.

Save time with and deploy pre-built apps or distros

Skip the installation and configuration and get straight to deploying your code.One-Click Distros

  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • FreeBSD

One-Click Apps

  • Discourse
  • Django
  • Docker
  • Dokku
  • Ghost
  • Gitlab
  • LAMP
  • LEMP
  • Machine Learning
  • MEAN
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Node.js
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Ruby on Rails
  • WordPress

Spin up a new Droplet and get a FREE US$100 account credit good for 60 days: www.digitalocean.com

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